Good Traders
People I've had great interactions with! I highly recommend trading with them. I don't put anyone on this list without permission.
If we've traded frequently, feel free to ask to be placed here, especially if you don't use Encora and want some extra traffic. You are welcome to add me to your site as well.
millifan (she/her)
An amazing trader and audio master, a very nice person whom I've had the please of trading with multiple times.
sitting-in-my-hotel (Serena, she/her)
Another amazing master and trader I've traded with a lot (and if you haven't noticed I track their audios). I absolutely love her small reviews for every boot she listens to, I read over them constantly.
Breath in Life Trades (Al, he/him)
Someone who helped me a lot when I started and is generally a great person.
BroadwayEmpire (Jake, he/him)
Another great trader who helped me a lot when I started out. Also has a large Wicked video collection.
MozartWasCrazy (Henry, he/they)
Great trader. always willing to help out with projects and boot identification. Have had multiple continued interactions with this trader and have nothing but nice things to say. I message Henry like everyday, he's one of the traders i consider to be a friend.
Lichtinduizendvoud (he/him)
Collects lots of Dutch theatre and has some great masters I am obsessed with. Awesome to talk to. One of my trading partners!!!
Bad Traders
Please be wary while interacting with these traders.
(more aliases exist, I'm just not sure what they are)
Harassment, gross misuse of LTs (most of their LTs are not master request and very misleading as to the actual rarity/value of their boots) blatantly leaking/selling NFT videos. Please don't buy from them if you're new to start your collection, you aren't getting the rares you think you are and no good trader will trade for NFT. Changes their sob story every few weeks.
Trading NFT videos as their own masters. I asked them for one of their masters and it was an NFT SCJ boot and they "had no idea how it got there" and their other masters lined up with NFT videos but with NFT: Forever except through them. The only listed other NFT video on their list specifically said: "Not my master" which is generally implied and an odd thing to specify.
They don't seem to be doing this anymore, but be cautious of nay masters, especially if they seem too good to be true.
I have screenshots of our messages if you want proof and proof they have done this to at least one other trader.