Please consult my wants. Even if I am open to general trades I will prioritize trades with wants.
I reserve the right to refuse to trade with you for any reason, without disclosure.
Do not send a follow up unless unless it has been one full week (7 days) of no-contact.
The only trade requests I will reply to are ones initiated via my email/contact form.
No this-for-that trading. Please include a link to your full list with full information (date, master, format, and cast information). You may mention in your message which of my wants you have, but I still want to see your full list.
I do not accept messy/unorganized lists. All relevant info should be displayed, including audio/video, full cast, show name, tour, date, etc. If you do not list file sizes, I may ask you for them.
I use standard ratios unless the master has requested limited trades.
The person who initiates sends their links first. If you message me, I expect you to send me your links first. If I reach out first, I will send mine first.
Do not send me any links until we have agreed on a trade. Sending me a link in your first email then demanding I send you whatever you want will not warrant a trade, only a blacklist.
Likewise, begging, lying about file types or items on your list, or any other type of scam or harassment will result in a blacklist.
I will only accept Google Drive, Mega, MediaFire, and similar links. I do not accept Spotify, Vimeo, YouTube, Sendspace, or other such links.
I have bad internet speed so if something needs to be uploaded it will take days. I will not be uploading to different hosting sites.
I download/upload everything and expect you to do the same. DO NOT REUSE my links, period.
Also, you may contact me in French and English, however, my French is sub-par.​