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Lord of the Rings


Six: Text

North America

Lord of the Rings - Toronto - March 12, 2006 (Matinee) (Preview)
FORMAT: WAV (untracked) [146MB]
CAST: James Loye (Frodo), Peter Howe (Sam), Brent Carver (Gandalf), Matt Cassidy (u/s Aragorn), Rebecca Jackson Mendoza (Galadriel), Owen Sharpe (Pippin), Dylan Roberts (Merry), Michael Therriault (Gollum), Carly Street (Arwen), Victor A Young (Elrond), Dion Johnstone (Boromir), Gabriel Burrafato (Legolas), Ross Williams (Gimli), Richard McMillan (Saruman), Kerry Dorey, Kristin Galer (Rosie Cotton), Cliff Saunders (Bilbo Baggins)
NOTES: Act 1 is incomplete and starts during the Elranien scene.


Lord of the Rings - Toronto, Canada - June 4, 2006
FORMAT: WMA (untracked) [41.7MB]
CAST: James Loye (Frodo), Peter van Gestel (u/s Sam), Brent Carver (Gandalf), Evan Buliung (Aragorn), Rebecca Jackson Mendoza (Galadriel), Owen Sharpe (Pippin), Dylan Roberts (Merry), Michael Therriault (Gollum), Carly Street (Arwen), Victor A Young (Elrond), Dion Johnstone (Boromir), Gabriel Burrafato (Legolas), Ross Williams (Gimli), Alexandra Bonnet (u/s Elránien), Richard McMillan (Saruman), Cliff Saunders (Bilbo Baggins), Patrick McManus, Ayrin Mackie

NOTES: Princess of Wales Theatre


Lord of the Rings - West End - June 28, 2007
FORMAT:  M4A (tracked) [169MB]
CAST: James Loye (Frodo), Peter Howe (Sam), Malcolm Storry (Gandalf), Jérôme Pradon (Aragorn), Laura Michelle Kelly (Galadriel), Owen Sharpe (Pippin), Richard Henders (Merry), Michael Therriault (Gollum), Alexandra Bonnet (u/s Arwen), Michael Rouse (Legolas), Brian Protheroe (Saruman)


Lord of the Rings - West End - July 9, 2007
FORMAT: MP3 (tracked) [70MB]
CAST: James Loye (Frodo), Peter Howe (Sam), Laura Michelle Kelly (Galadriel), Owen Sharpe (Pippin), Jérôme Pradon (Aragorn), Malcolm Storry (Gandalf), Michael Therriault (Gollum), Rosalie Craig (Arwen), Richard Henders (Merry), Steven Miller (Boromir), Michael Rouse (Legolas), Sevan Stephan (Gimli), Andrew Jarvis (Elrond), Brian Protheroe (Saruman), Alexandra Bonnet (Elránien), Michael Hobbs (Bill Ferny), Wayne Fitzsimmons (Haldir), Alma Ferovic (Glorfindel), Tim Morgan (Steward), Kirsty Malpass (Rosie Cotton)


Lord of the Rings - West End - July 12, 2007 (Matinée)
FORMAT: MP3 (tracked) [137MB}
CAST: James Loye (Frodo), Peter Howe (Sam), Malcolm Storry (Gandalf), Jérôme Pradon (Aragorn), Laura Michelle Kelly (Galadriel), Owen Sharpe (Pippin), Richard Henders (Merry), Michael Therriault (Gollum), Rosalie Craig (Arwen), Andrew Jarvis (Elrond), Steven Miller (Boromir), Michael Rouse (Legolas), Sévan Stephan (Gimli), Alexandra Bonnet (Elránien), Jon Tsouras (u/s Haldir), Alma Ferovic (Glorfindel), Brian Protheroe (Saruman), Michael Hobbs (Bill Ferny), Kirsty Malpass (Rosie Cotton), Terence Frisch (Bilbo Baggins)


Lord of the Rings - West End - July 21, 2007 
FORMAT: MP3 (tracked) [86.9MB]
CAST: James Loye (Frodo), Peter Howe (Sam), Malcolm Storry (Gandalf), Jérôme Pradon (Aragorn), Laura Michelle Kelly (Galadriel), Owen Sharpe (Pippin), Richard Henders (Merry), Michael Therriault (Gollum), Rosalie Craig (Arwen), Michael Rouse (Legolas), Gavin Wilkinson (u/s Gimli)


Lord of the Rings - West End - September 3, 2007
FORMAT: MP3 (tracked) [228MB]
CAST: James Byng (u/s Frodo), Peter Howe (Sam), Laura Michelle Kelly (Galadriel), Owen Sharpe (Pippin), Jérôme Pradon (Aragorn), Malcolm Storry (Gandalf), Michael Therriault (Gollum), Rosalie Craig (Arwen), Ben Evans (u/s Merry), Steven Miller (Boromir), Michael Rouse (Legolas), Sevan Stephan (Gimli), Andrew Jarvis (Elrond), Brian Protheroe (Saruman)


Lord of the Rings - West End - January 3, 2008
FORMAT: MP3 (untracked) [144MB]
CAST: James Loye (Frodo), Peter Howe (Sam), Malcolm Storry (Gandalf), Jérôme Pradon (Aragorn), Laura Michelle Kelly (Galadriel), Owen Sharpe (Pippin), Richard Henders (Merry), Michael Therriault (Gollum), Rosalie Craig (Arwen), Michael Rouse (Legolas)


Lord of the Rings - West End - February 2, 2008 (Matinée)
FORMAT: WAV (tracked) [846MB]
CAST: James Byng (u/s Frodo), Peter Howe (Sam), Stevie Tate-Bauer (u/s Galadriel), Owen Sharpe (Pippin), Jérôme Pradon (Aragorn), Malcolm Storry (Gandalf), Michael Therriault (Gollum), Rosalie Craig (Arwen), Michael Rouse (Legolas), Brian Protheroe (Saruman)

Lord of the Rings - West End - February 19, 2008 (cynicale's master)
FORMAT:  MP3 (tracked) [148MB]
CAST: Stuart Neal (u/s Frodo), Peter Howe (Sam), Malcolm Storry (Gandalf), Jérôme Pradon (Aragorn), Abbie Osmon (Galadriel), Owen Sharpe (Pippin), Ben Evans (u/s Merry), Michael Therriault (Gollum), Rosalie Craig (Arwen), Andrew Jarvis (Elrond), Steven Miller (Boromir), Michael Rouse (Legolas), Stevie Tate-Bauer (u/s Elránien), Tim Parker (u/s Steward)
NOTES: Audio has many small disturbances (have been heavily edited), due to a throat infection. The dialogue is rather quiet, but nice enough during songs. I loved Ben Evans as Merry, and Stuart Neal was as great Frodo (not that I have anything to compare with).


Lord of the Rings - West End - July 19, 2008 (Closing Night) (suspendourdisbelief's master)
FORMAT:  MP3 (untracked) [167MB]
CAST: James Byng (Frodo), Peter Howe (Sam), Andrew Jarvis (Gandalf), Robbie Scotcher (Aragorn), Abbie Osmon (Galadriel), Stuart Neal (Pippin), Ben Evans (Merry), Darren Carnall (u/s Gollum), Rosalie Craig (Arwen), Steven Miller (Boromir), Michael Rouse (Legolas), Tim Morgan (Saruman), Luke Johnson (u/s Bill Ferny), Terence Frisch (Bilbo Baggins)
Lord of the Rings - Original London Cast Recording - 2007
FORMAT: MP3 (tracked) [191MB]
CAST: James Loye (Frodo), Peter Howe (Sam), Malcolm Storry (Gandalf), Jérôme Pradon (Aragorn), Laura Michelle Kelly (Galadriel), Owen Sharpe (Pippin), Richard Henders (Merry), Michael Therriault (Gollum), Rosalie Craig (Arwen), Michael Rouse (Legolas), Brian Protheroe (Saruman)


Lord of the Rings - Watermill Theatre - August, 2023 (Highlights) (treegaptrades’s master)
FORMAT: MP3 (untracked) [60.5MB]
CAST: Folarin Akinmade (Gimli), Matthew Bugg (Gollum), Charlotte Grayson (Rosie), Nuwan Hugh Perera (Sam), Peter Marinker (Gandalf), Louis Maskell (Frodo), Aoife O'Dea (Arwen), John O'Mahony (Bilbo), Yazdan Qafouri (Legolas), Sioned Saunders (u/s Galadriel), Aaron Sidwell (Aragorn), Reece Causton, Kelly Coughlin, Bridget Lappin, Elliot MacKenzie
NOTES: Act One only- one jump in time when we were moving from Bilbo's Birthday Party outside to our seats in the auditorium. Not for sale.


Lord of the Rings - Watermill Theatre - August 13, 2023 (Matinee) (frogandtoad’s master)
FORMAT: MP3 (tracked & untracked) [761MB]
CAST: Louis Maskell (Frodo), Nuwan Hugh Perera (Sam), Geraint Downing (Merry), Amelia Gabriel (Pippin), Sioned Saunders (u/s Galadriel/Onstage Musical Director), Matthew Bugg (Gollum), Peter Marinker (Gandalf), Aaron Sidwell (Aragorn), Folarin Akinmade (Gimli), Yazdan Qafouri (Legolas), Peter Dukes (Boromir), Tom Giles (Saruman/Elrond), Aoife O'Dea (Arwen), John O'Mahony (Bilbo), Charlotte Grayson (Rosie), Bridget Lappin (Ensemble/Dance Captain), Reece Causton, Kelly Coughlin, Elliot Mackenzie
NOTES: Sioned Saunders as Galadriel! I've tracked this as best I could, but except for the song names, the track titles aren't 'official' - I borrowed most of them from the relevant book chapters, etc. Not for sale.


Lord of the Rings - Watermill Theatre - August 25, 2023 (frogandtoad’s master)
FORMAT: MP3 (tracked & untracked) [760MB]
CAST: Louis Maskell (Frodo), Nuwan Hugh Perera (Sam), Sioned Saunders (u/s Galadriel), Amelia Gabriel (Pippin), Aaron Sidwell (Aragorn), Peter Marinker (Gandalf), Matthew Bugg (Gollum), Aoife O'Dea (Arwen), Geraint Downing (Merry), Peter Dukes (Boromir), Yazdan Qafouri (Legolas), Folarin Akinmade (Gimli), Tom Giles (Elrond/Saruman), John O'Mahony (Bilbo Baggins), Charlotte Grayson (Rosie Cotton), Bridget Lappin, Reece Causton, Kelly Coughlin, Elliot Mackenzie, Georgia Louise
NOTES: Sioned Galadriel; Georgia was present doing her ensemble parts.


Lord of the Rings - Watermill Theatre - September 7, 2023 (EdgeofAman’s master)
FORMAT: MP3 (untracked) [307MB]
CAST: Louis Maskell (Frodo), Nuwan Hugh Perera (Sam), Peter Marinker (Gandalf), Amelia Gabriel (Pippin), Geraint Downing (Merry), Aaron Sidwell (Aragorn), Sioned Saunders (u/s Galadriel), Aoife O’Dea (Arwen), Matthew Bugg (Gollum), Tom Giles (Elrond/Saruman), Yazdan Qafouri (Legolas), Folarin Akinmade (Gimli), Peter Dukes (Boromir), John O’Mahony (Bilbo), Charlotte Grayson (Rosie), Reece Causton, Kelly Coughlin, Bridget Lappin, Elliot Mackenzie
NOTES: Due to illness, Amelia Gabriel and Sioned Saunders covered Arwen's vocal parts in 'The Song of the Traveller' and 'Star of Eärendil', respectively. 'Lasto i lamath' was performed as an instrumental, 'The Song of the Traveller (Duet)' cut entirely.


Lord of the Rings - Watermill Theatre - September 9, 2023 (Matinee) (EdgeofAman’s master)
FORMAT: MP3 (untracked) [317MB]
CAST: Louis Maskell (Frodo), Nuwan Hugh Perera (Sam), Peter Marinker (Gandalf), Amelia Gabriel (Pippin), Geraint Downing (Merry), Aaron Sidwell (Aragorn), Sioned Saunders (u/s Galadriel), Tricia Adele-Turner (e/c Arwen), Matthew Bugg (Gollum), Tom Giles (Elrond/Saruman), Yazdan Qafouri (Legolas), Folarin Akinmade (Gimli), Peter Dukes (Boromir), John O’Mahony (Bilbo), Charlotte Grayson (Rosie), Reece Causton, Kelly Coughlin, Bridget Lappin, Elliot Mackenzie
NOTES: Tricia Adele-Turner was called in to cover for Aoife O'Dea on short notice. She was on book for the entirety of the performance. BSL Interpreted and Close Captioned performance.


Lord of the Rings - Watermill Theatre - October 6, 2023 (totheotherside’s master)
FORMAT: M4A (untracked) [368MB]
CAST: Louis Maskell (Frodo), Nuwan Hugh Perera (Sam), Sioned Saunders (Galadriel), Amelia Gabriel (Pippin), Aaron Sidwell (Aragorn), Patrick Bridgman (s/b Gandalf), Matthew Bugg (Gollum), Aoife O'Dea (Arwen), Geraint Downing (Merry), Peter Dukes (Boromir), Yazdan Qafouri (Legolas), Folarin Akinmade (Gimli), Tom Giles (Elrond/Saruman), John O'Mahony (Bilbo Baggins), Charlotte Grayson (Rosie Cotton), Bridget Lappin, Reece Causton, Kelly Coughlin, Elliot Mackenzie
NOTES: Recorded from the front row. Clear audio. Includes 4 files for the show - the prologue, act 1, act 2 and the epilogue. The prologue and the epilogue were both outside. Also includes a video of the curtain call, 2 playbill shots (one taken outside and one taken inside at intermission). Only known audio with Patrick as Gandalf!


Lord of the Rings - Watermill Theatre - October 15, 2023 (Matinée) (frogandtoad’s master)
FORMAT: MP3 (tracked & untracked) [763MB]
CAST: Louis Maskell (Frodo), Nuwan Hugh Perera (Sam), Sioned Saunders (Galadriel), Amelia Gabriel (Pippin), Aaron Sidwell (Aragorn), Patrick Bridgman (s/b Gandalf), Matthew Bugg (Gollum), Aoife O'Dea (Arwen), Geraint Downing (Merry), Peter Dukes (Boromir), Yazdan Qafouri (Legolas), Folarin Akinmade (Gimli), Tom Giles (Elrond/Saruman), John O'Mahony (Bilbo Baggins), Charlotte Grayson (Rosie Cotton), Bridget Lappin, Reece Causton, Kelly Coughlin, Elliot Mackenzie, Zara Naeem
NOTES: Final show! Very very emotional performances from everyone. Audio for the inside sections is a bit creaky and also picks up a couple of the cues from the control box.


Lord of the Rings - Chicago Shakespeare Theater - July 23, 2024 (allisforgiven’s master)
FORMAT: MP3 (untracked) [109MB]
CAST: Spencer Davis Milford (Frodo), Michael Kurowski (Sam), Lauren Zakrin (Galadriel), Ben Mathew (Pippin), Will James Jr. (Aragorn), Tom Amandes (Gandalf), Tony Bozzuto (Gollum), Alina Taber (Arwen), Eileen Doan (Merry), Matthew C. Yee (Boromir), Luke Nowakowski (u/s Legolas), Ian Maryfield (Gimli), Jeff Parker (Elrond/Saruman), Rick Hall (Bilbo Baggins/Steward), Suzanne Hannau (Rosie Cotton), John Lithgow (Voice of Treebeard), Joey Faggion, Mia Hilt, James Mueller, Kelan M Smith, Jarais Musgrove, Hannah Novak, Adam Qutaishat, Laura Savage, Bernadette Santos Schwegel, Arik Vega
NOTES: Clear audio from the lower gallery. Kind of a chatty audience.

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